
"Expect great things from ;
attempt great things for ."

W. I. 泰晤士河

1892 - 1912

现在的菠菜网比较大的平台最早起源于Poplarville, 密西西比州, when the noted educator W. I. 泰晤士河 opened Pearl River Boarding School in 1892.  As did many institutions of its day, Pearl River Boarding School offered "elementary, 预备, 还有一些大学工作."  A disastrous fire destroyed the school in 1905, 并努力争取支持,在Poplarville建立一所新学校,名为南密西西比学院.  The efforts were not successful, and Professor 泰晤士河 moved to Hattiesburg where, with the backing of a group of New Orleans businessmen, he opened South 密西西比州 College in 1906.  Little is known of Pearl River Boarding School, but South 密西西比州 College, under the leadership of Professor 泰晤士河 as its president, quickly gained a reputation for having a strong faculty, 尤其是在艺术方面, 音乐, 历史, 还有家政.  After a fire destroyed the immense administration building, 包括教室, library and a 1500-seat auditorium, the young institution was forced to close.

1911年,W. S. F. 泰特姆, wealthy lumberman and Methodist layman, acquired the property and offered it as a gift to the Baptists. 他提出了两个条件:成功开办一所女子基督教学校五年,第一年至少招收一百名学生. 这处房产包括两栋幸存下来的框架建筑和十英亩的空地. 成立了一个公司来拥有和控制学院,从菠菜网比较大的平台的浸信会教堂中选出九名受托人. 9月, 1911, the school opened again with a new name, 密西西比州 Woman's College, under the leadership of 总统 W. W. 河流. 在11月, 1911, 这所没有债务的大学被提供给密西西比浸信会,并被接受了.

J. L. 约翰逊,小.

1912 - 1932

密西西比女子学院的发展是密西西比浸信会教徒的骄傲. Under the leadership of 总统 J. L. 约翰逊,小., 1912年至1932年, 一座宏伟的新行政大楼于1914年完工,并命名为塔图姆法院,以纪念学院的主要捐助者. 新的砖砌宿舍(罗斯和约翰逊大厅),以及医务室和样板房, which was used as a laboratory for domestic science classes. During this period, the campus expanded to 40 acres.

W. E. 霍尔科姆

1932 - 1940

该学院并不仅仅用物理成绩来衡量它的进步. An early objective of 密西西比州 Woman's College was to train intelligent, concerned citizens who could establish Christian homes. 课程和活动的设计都考虑到这一主要目标. By 1925 college stationery boldly proclaimed on its letterhead, "密西西比州 Woman's College: The School with a 任务." The student body dedicated itself to the mission of the college. 这种奉献精神使密西西比女子学院在20世纪20年代末成为南方杰出的基督教女子学院之一. 持续的增长和对使命的强调是W. E. 霍尔科姆 from 1932 to 1940.

Dr. I. E. 劳斯

1946 - 1956

1940年,大萧条时期的紧急情况迫使学院关闭, its facilities were used as army officers' housing for nearby Camp Shelby.  1946年,密西西比女子学院重新开放并进行了重大翻新.  Dr. I. E. 劳斯 was elected president in 1946 and served until 1956. 1953年,密西西比浸信会大会投票决定将该学院改为男女同校,结束了40多年来只招收女生的历史. This vote necessitated a new name for the institution. 1954年,校董事会选择了威廉·凯里学院的名字,以纪念这位18世纪的英国鞋匠兼语言学家,他在印度数十年的传教活动为他赢得了“现代传教之父”的国际认可."

Dr. J. 拉尔夫Noonkester

1956 - 1989

Under the leadership of Dr. J. 拉尔夫Noonkester, who was elected president of the college in 1956, William Carey College enjoyed significant growth. In 14 years, a total of 14 new buildings rose on the Hattiesburg campus. The college attracted national attention with baseball, 篮球, 还有网球队, 旅行合唱团, the theatre performance groups, scientific honor societies, student mission efforts, a large number of mission volunteers, and a high percentage of acceptances to medical school. Dr. Noonkester served as president from 1956 to 1989.

1968年,威廉·凯里医学院宣布与新奥尔良著名的马瑟护理学院合并,进入了一个新时代. 1976年,威廉·凯里学院买下了位于格尔夫波特的墨西哥湾海岸军事学院校园,为该校开辟了另一个发展空间. Known now as William Carey University on the Coast, 这座占地20英亩的海滨房产在2005年8月被卡特里娜飓风摧毁.  课程在校外举行,直到16座模块化建筑安装在校园内.  Thirty acres were purchased in the 4,800-acre Tradition Planned Community, 位于67号公路, and Phase I of the new campus - William Carey University-传统的校园, 2009年8月开业.

1989年6月. 詹姆斯·W. Edwards was elected as the seventh president and served until 1997. 在他的领导下, enrollment in church-related vocations increased, the art program at Carey on the Coast was upgraded, the college debt was restructured, 工资提高了, a trimester system was inaugurated, and an MBA program in executive leadership was added to the curriculum. The Lucile Parker Gallery was opened on the Hattiesburg campus, 莎拉·吉莱斯皮艺术画廊也进行了升级,搬到了海岸凯里的帕克大厅. A campus beautification project was inaugurated.

Dr. 拉里·W. 肯尼迪

1998 - 2006

Dr. 拉里·W. 肯尼迪 served as president from 1998 to 2006.  Many physical improvements were made to existing facilities.  New construction on the Hattiesburg campus included a nursing building, education classroom building, 威廉·凯里生活和工作研究中心的所在地, 足球场, 一个校内的领域, and baseball and softball fields.  此外,在新奥尔良浸信会神学院校园里建造了一座新的护理大楼.  大学学费7美元.5 million debt was paid off ten months ahead of schedule.

2005年至2006年为该机构带来了重大挑战和进步.  2005年秋天, all three campuses were affected by Hurricane Katrina, with the Coast campus being completely destroyed.  While recovery and building efforts were underway, 受托人投票决定将该机构的地位从学院改为大学,以表彰其成长,并在日益全球化的环境中增强其潜力.  章程和所有过渡与认证机构必要的改变其地位进行了修订.  2006年,学校正式从威廉·凯里学院更名为菠菜网比较大的平台.

Dr. 汤米王

2007 - 2022

2007年2月. 汤米王 was named the ninth president of the university, the first alumnus to serve in the position.  在博士. 国王的领导, 该大学耗资100万美元在菠菜网比较大的平台校区的Fail-Asbury大厅上增建了一座大楼.  Also the size of the Smith/劳斯 图书馆 was expanded by 40%, the Sarah Ellen Gillespie Museum of Art was dedicated, 购置土地兴建海岸新校区,并在此兴建第一期, 成立了菠菜网比较大的平台骨科医学院(COM).  2008年12月, 南方学院和学校协会将该机构提升到V级地位, which permits the granting of doctoral degrees.  A Master of Biomedical Science Degree was added to the degree program, and enrollment reached an all-time record high.  2009年10月,骨科学院认证委员会授予骨科医学学院临时认证.  2009年,网球被加入到运动项目中,2010-2011年,越野和女子高尔夫被加入到运动项目中.  Track and field for men and women began in the fall of 2012.

2010年夏天, 一个新的设施大楼被占用,整骨医学学院招收了110名学生的首届班.  Three buildings comprise the medical complex:  Academic Building, 医学艺术大楼, and the Asbury Administrative Center.  The Joe and Virginia 泰特姆 Theatre was constructed in 2010.  2010年秋天, a specialist degree in higher education administration was offered, and the career and technical education department was established.  2011年秋季增设当代敬拜音乐学士学位.  M.Ed. in educational leadership, Ed.D. in higher education administration, and the Ph.D. 护理教育和管理课程于2012年秋季开始.

The university is organized into the following academic units:  the Ralph and Naomi Noonkester School of Arts and Letters;  the School of Natural and Behavioral Sciences; the School of Business; the School of Education; the Owen and Elizabeth Cooper School of 任务s and Biblical Studies; the Donald and Frances Winters School of Music; the Joseph and Nancy School of Nursing and the College of Osteopathic Medicine.
