英语语言中心(ELC)培养学生在各种情况下有效使用英语, whether they are academic, 专业, or everyday situations.

Preparing Students

菠菜网比较大的平台是由国土安全部(DHS)授权招收非移民外国学生. Our ELC program is evaluated and authorized to grant official certificates of completion. 这些证书用于免除菠菜网比较大的平台的语言考试,并且是在美国和加拿大的其他机构获得豁免状态的一个主题.

By combining small class instruction with the latest in instructional technology, 我们能够满足所有学生的语言需求,并帮助他们顺利过渡到学习.

Dedicated 教师

多年来, 我们的专职语言教师帮助不同国籍的国际学生提高语言交流能力, 语法, 写作, and social skills. “We`ve had students from all over the world: China, 德国, 智利, 俄罗斯, 墨西哥, 瑞典, 西班牙, 比利时, 法国, Ukraine… As our program improves, we will be glad to serve our students and help them out as much as we can. 该项目旨在为不同的学生提供优秀的语言教育. Laine Bourdene, Director of the William Carey ELC (English Language Center).

Convenient 日程安排

ELC课程每年开课4次,与常规课程一起进行,以鼓励ELC学生与全日制学生之间的交流. The students can start the program when it is most convenient for them.

The American Experience

我们的国际学生通过参加与菠菜网比较大的平台录取的普通学生相同的活动来全面了解美国文化. They live by the same rules, schedule, and live in the same dorms. 对于我们来说,确保学生在参加ELC课程的同时充分体验美国文化是很重要的. 也, ELC的学生可以参加所有的大学学生活动,并通过加入不同的社团和校园组织成为威廉·凯里社交/希腊生活的一部分.


在ELC中, 学生与其他英语水平相同的人在一个班级学习,由分班考试决定. The test is divided into four parts: 语法, listening, language use, and 写作. This test will be provided to an enrolled ELC student on the first day of class. Following testing, students are interviewed and placed accordingly.

菠菜网比较大的平台是由国土安全部(DHS)授权招收非移民外国学生. 希望进入英语语言中心(ELC)学习的国际学生必须满足以下要求.

  1. Application for ELC admission: Application for ELC admission may be downloaded from the Carey website (www.0759e.net). 申请也可以通过菠菜网比较大的平台校区的国际招生办公室通过邮件提出.
  2. A US$40 nonrefundable application fee: 这笔一次性的费用,允许你的申请被处理,应该通过美国邮寄.S. check or money order to the Office of 国际 招生 at: WCU Box 13, 710 William Carey Parkway, 菠菜网比较大的平台, MS 39401
  3. Academic Records: The following information is required for consideration for undergraduate admissions.
    • 新生 Students (first-time college students):
      学术测试-最低美国大学考试(ACT)成绩为20分或学术能力测试(SAT)成绩为950分. Copies of these scores must be mailed to the Office of 国际 招生.
    • 转移 Students:
      任何高等教育机构的学业成绩证明或美国大学的正式成绩单.S. institution(s) attended are required. An official transcript is defined as one mailed directly from one institution to another. All records must be in English before an I-20 from William Carey University is issued.
    • 外国院校的成绩单必须通过世界教育服务(www.韦斯.org). The results from the evaluation must be mailed to William Carey University. This process takes between 30 to 60 days.
    • 从任何美国学院或大学转学的学生必须协调将他们的I-20身份从当前机构转移到菠菜网比较大的平台. 获得这种转移的要求由每个机构规定.
  4. Official TOEFL or IELTS scores: A minimum score of 433 is required on the paper-based TOEFL; a minimum score of 120 on the computer-based TOEFL; or a minimum score of 40 on the internet-based TOEFL. Students who wish to take the IELTS must meet the minimum required score of 3.5.
  5. Certification of 财务状况: 在美国逗留期间,需要提供完整的经济支持证明. 该文件可以从凯里大学网站下载,并且必须与正式的银行信函(不是银行对账单)一起提交。, acknowledging the amount, 在你.S. funds, available to be used towards your studies at William Carey University.
  6. Proof of Immunizations: William Carey University requires proof of two (2) measles, 流行性腮腺炎, and rubella (MMR) vaccinations prior to arrival to the United States. 另外, 每个学生必须在美国进行胸部x光检查和干扰素γ释放试验(IGRA),并在开课前将结果提交给国际招生办公室.
  7. Advance 学费: A refundable US$500 fee covers your housing deposit (US$150.00 - US$200.00)与你在菠菜网比较大的平台的第一个学期有关的任何其他初始或杂项费用.
  8. Major Medical Insurance: 在美国接受高等教育期间必须有医疗保险. All international students are required to take a policy with the university. Students will be assessed for the policy coverage at the beginning of each trimester. 有关菠菜网比较大的平台采用的健康保险政策的更多信息可在网上获得.
  9. Additional Information: 目前, 在菠菜网比较大的平台英语语言中心学习两个学期(20周)的费用约为12美元,500. 学生必须在开学前的注册日准备好全额支付出勤费用.

If the international student resides on campus, housing will be provided during scheduled breaks throughout the academic year, with the exception of Christmas break. Campus housing will close December 21 for Christmas break and reopen January 12. 国际学生应制定回国计划或在这段时间内寻找替代住房. There are four one-week breaks during the academic year. 住房 and meals will be provided during those breaks for an additional charge per week.

In order to receive an F-1 visa, international students are to schedule an appointment with the nearest U.S. consulate or embassy in their home country within 90 days of departure. They must take along their financial documents, letter of acceptance, and I-20 for presentation and review. 美国.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS)建议入学的学生要诚实,并提供发给菠菜网比较大的平台的所有文件副本,供美国移民局审查.S. custom official at the consulate, embassy, or U.S. 入境口岸. 海关官员可以在学生到美国旅行的任何时候拒绝他/她进入美国. 原始文件的副本可以传真或邮寄到国际招生办公室.


WCU盒#140 | 710 William Carey Parkway | 菠菜网比较大的平台, MS 39401
  elc@0759e.net  |    (601) 318 - 6580



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